Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, June 7, 2005 In This Issue Featured Article: What to Do with Incoming Graduates ... So They Don't...
This idea, submitted by Jamie Vaughan, is intended for a weekend retreat that starts in the late afternoon or early evening. Supplies should be dispersed at various points on your camp grounds.Scavenger Hunt: Gather SuppliesTeams have 5 minutes to elect a tribal leader and tie members of their tribe together at the waist. online pharmacy with best...
Two students at a time play in the middle of a circle while the others cheer them on. Have two students seated on the floor with their shoes off and a pile of socks between them (can be their size or larger, but not smaller).Give them one minute to see who can put the most socks on one foot...
Before the game, fill a pie tin with whipped cream (the aerosol kind works well) and hide it somewhere close by. Choose someone athletic and perhaps cocky person and tell them that the object of the game is to try to do a sit up while wearing a blindfold while another person tries, at the same time, to pin...
Everyone gets into 2 even teams and each team stands in a circle. Each team is then given a very long piece of string (25-50 feet) and told to weave it in and out of their arms and legs, around waists, and through one belt loop of every person with belt loops.The person at each end is given a...
Bring 3 people up front. Position each of them in front of their own pile of snow gear. Have them take off their shoes. Say, Ready, set...wait!” Have them put on a ski mask and blindfold them, then say, “Go!”. Have them put all the gear on.Provide:a pair of glovesa one-piece snowsuit (you can find them at Goodwill or...
Grab a few volunteers for this messy up-front game. This game begins just like the regular Bobbing for Apples. However, immediately after bobbing for apples, the person bobs for marshmallows in a bowl of flour. The results are messy, so make sure the floor is covered with plastic for quick and easy clean up.Added by NateAlso, see Bobbing For...