Stupid Skits

JC Penny

You can have as many people as you want doing this skit. The first person comes and sits down. The second person comes out and the first person says, "I like your shirt. Where did you get it?" The second person says, "JC Penny." The third person comes out and the first person says the same...
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Banana Overload event including additional banana games from our Games pages for camp, outreach, the love of bananas - you name it! Go bananas!Have everyone come dressed as a banana (or, at least wear yellow). Admission to the party is one banana per person and whatever monetary cost you determine, if any. Prizes for games could be Bic-bananas, among...
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Ezine Archives

eZine 02.21.2006 Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, February 21, 2006 In This Issue Featured Article: PART II-A Window into the "MySpace" Generation: Gleaning from...
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Everyone pairs up in a circle. Pick 2 people to start the game - one of them will be "it". “It” chases the other person around the room. They can go inside or outside of the circle but it's a good idea to try to keep them close to the circle.The person being chased tries to hook arms with...
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Ezine Archives

eZine 02.14.2006 Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, February 14, 2006 In This Issue Featured Article: A Window into the "MySpace" Generation PART I: The...
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Title: Special Brownies (A.K.A.--Chocolate Covered Poop!)Bake 3 batches of brownies. Leave one batch plain, put some extras on the second batch (I used nuts, chocolate chips, and marshmallows on the top) and add peanut butter chips (or leave plain) to the third batch. For each batch, write out a recipe card with the ingredients - but for the 3rd...
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Get two black lights and set them up at mid-court. Have everyone wear a white shirt that night. Mark one team with electrical tape on their shoulders so they know who has what team.Make sure to get a glow-in-the-dark basketball and then hang red glow sticks on one rim and green glow sticks on the other rim. Caution: the...
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