This game is high energy, but you need a big group of kids to play it. Here’s how you do it.Quickly group all of the students into “teams” of at least 4 kids each. Then using a pirate ship captain’s dialect, explain to them that they are all on YOUR pirate ship. You will call out a certain command,...
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This is a fun game that allows everyone to be a part of the action. Here’s how you do it.Clear the room, a little - just enough where your students can run around some. Then make a big pile of aluminum balls in the middle of the floor. (Make sure to ball them up prior to the game, about...
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What happens when a Junior High Director watches the Red Bull Soapbox Race? The idea for Skateboard Derby is birthed. Fair warning: this one requires a bit of prep work, but your kids will love it! HereÕs how you pull it off.Start collecting cardboard boxes right away. Simply call furniture stores and the like, tell them itÕs for a...
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Stupid Skits

Bat Skit

Bat SkitCASTMayorSasquatchGeneral LeeCat WomanBatmanMini BatmanRobinNOTE: This is a really long skit if done all at once. You can break it up over three weeks and tell your students to make sure and come see how it ends. (This is a good way to keep momentum happening in your group.)ACT I[Mayor is sitting at his desk doing mayor stuff....
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Rated PG-13 for mature thematic material, sexual content, brief strong language and some drug use.Directed by Robin Swicord (writer of Memoirs of Geisha) online pharmacy purchase suhagra online generic Starring Maria Bello, Emily Blunt, Jimmy Smits, Amy Brenneman…Pretty good… for a chick flick!The Jane Austen Book Club is about six Californians (5 girls and one guy) who start a...
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Movie Reviews

Jumper (6/10/2008)

Rated PG-13 for sequences of intense action violence, some language and brief sexuality.Directed by Doug Liman (Mr. and Mrs. Smith & The Bourne Identity)Starring Hayden Christensen, Samuel L. Jackson, Rachel Bilson, and Jamie Bell20 minutes in I was wishing I could teleport out of the theater.Jumper is the story of David Rice (Hayden Christensen) who discovers he has a...
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Ezine Archives

eZine 02.13.2008 Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Wednesday, February 13, 2008 In This Issue Featured: You Mean... the Lyrics DO Affect Me? New Podcast:...
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