Browsing Category:Stupid Skits

Stupid Skits

A Big Jerk

(Actor #1 is in their lawn trying to start their lawn mower. The mower will not start)Actor #1: "Hey Neighbor. Can you help me start this?"Neighbor: "Sure" (Tries but still doesn't Work)Actor 1: (Calls on anyone they want. Make sure it is a leader or a student who can take a joke) "Can you help us with this lawnmower?"Audience...
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This Skit is actually just a narration/reading of a planned script. That's right; nobody has to memorize ANY lines for this hilarious presentation! Here's what you do.Get a silly picture from the internet of a dog that looks totally goofy. Also, get a picture of a cat that makes him look militaristic or even dangerous. The more exaggerated each...
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What you need: a stick, a candy shop owner, a customer, 2 unsuspecting volunteersWhat you do: Pick two people from the audience and have them hold the stick and tell them its the candy counter. Have the candy store owner stand on one side and the customer stand on the other.Customer: "Do you have any Jelly Beans?"Owner: "No"Customer: "Do...
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Stupid Skits

Strike a Pose

"Cast: 3-4 girls with SERIOUS attitude (models)1 male: an Agent - think Ms. Jay from America's Next Top Model1 male: a Hunk, supermodel - think Patrick Warburton from Seinfeld & Rules of EngagementProps: "I'm Too Sexy" on CD player/sound system (by artist Right Said Fred)1 purse for each girl modelSkit: The scene opens with the Agent standing on the...
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Stupid Skits

Me, Tarzan!

Characters: Two guys with several strips of black or brown yarn pinned to their chests and underarms. One "ugly" made-up girl dressed in an old dress with rollers and apron.SkitThe skit starts with one of the guys coming in from one side of the room in a gorilla stance. (slightly bent over with arms low, furrowed brow) He begins...
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Stupid Skits


This is a prank skit. This skit takes almost no practice but the trainer needs to remember his lines fairly well.Characters:1 Trainer1 volunteer (good sport)8-10 people to be the centipedeProps:Sleeping bags or large sheets to cover all 8 people.Large pitcher to cold waterCrazy outfit for the trainerCentipede:Every person under the sleeping bags should wear shorts that come above where...
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Actor 1: (sitting down on a bench with their RIGHT leg over their left.)Actor 2: (walks in doing something entertaining and/or outrageous like playing with pretend yo-yo, chewing gum. The wilder the better) buy flagyl online no prescription  "Is it time yet?"Actor 1: (looks up at actor 2, then at their watch) "No."Actor 2: (sits down next to...
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