Browsing Category:Up-Front Games

Like the old 70's TV game show. Pre-arrange four contestants for this game. Have them share a funny/interesting story that happened to them when they were young that they can say in one sentence. (e.g. My name is Billy and when I was 5, I was walking with my mom and a big guy ran by and grabbed my...
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Get four volunteers or pick four people and have a sponsor take them back to a secluded room. Have that sponsor tell them that they will go up in front of the crowd, one at a time. Each one will sit in a chair. The object is for them to act out a given scenario WITHOUT leaving the chair:...
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Get 3 or 4 brave volunteers with strong stomachs who race to eat a bowl of green oatmeal the fastest. This is best if recorded on camera and projected on the big screen. Award a first, second and third place so all contestants keep eating til done.When they finish have one of your staff ask, "Hey ‘Jonathan,' where do...
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Prep: Buy or get a 4'x8' sheet of plexiglass donated.You will need: Oreos, Cheese in a can, CrackersCall up two teams of two. Tell the students that they need to draw someone using the Oreos, cheese in a can, and crackers. When they finish hold up the plexiglass to show the audience and let them vote by applause.Then tell...
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Also called "What Goes Around Comes Around"Great for wacky game nights or lock-ins. This game requires shaving cream, a spoon, female hair products (bows, clips, hairspray), and chairs to sit in.Start with the girls sitting. Assign a boy with hair to each girl. Have the boys "shave" the girl's face with shaving cream and a spoon in under 1...
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Borrow or purchase a clay pigeon thrower. Ours was not the kind you hold in your hand; it was the kind that mounts on a base and fires the clay pigeon with a giant spring and a catapult arm.Without telling them why I told all participants of the overnighter to bring one wrapped Little Debbie or Hostess product. Later...
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