Browsing Category:Up-Front Games

5 games that all involve cereal: Snoot ShootThe youth shoot Trix, Kix, or Cocoa Puffs out of their noses. The team whose Puff goes the farthest wins. Chariots of Fire or Rocky theme adds cheesiness. Rice Krispy Marble DigFill a small swimming pool full of Rice Krispies & marbles. Add water (milk is better, use the powdered kind...
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Fill a tub or large plastic tote with ice. Add water until the tub is full of both ice and water (baptistry works). Then place ten ones, two fives, and one ten dollar bill in the water beneath the ice. The contestants' names are drawn from a hat. (This is a great way to get visitor names and addresses.)...
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Divide into two teams and give each member a straw and a pile of Q-tips. One team member from each side sits on their side of the room on a chair with a paper cup on their head.The object is to knock the opposite team's paper cup off the person's head by blowing the Q-tips through the straws. No...
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Three students compete in three events. Have them blow up a balloon until it breaks. Have them blow up a balloon not using their hands, only their mouths. Have them blow up a balloon only using their nostrils.Note: If you decide to have the same student(s) compete in all three categories, be prepared with spotters, in case they get...
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Get as many T-shirts as you want to do (2-6). Soak them in water and wring them out until damp (if you leave them too wet students can't play the game). Fold them up nicely & place on wax paper inside your freezer for at least an hour.Game: Have 2 teams of 4 students volunteer. Pull T-shirts out of...
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This game is played up front with a few people while the crowd watches.Put the inside of an egg inside a large surgical tubing. Have two students on opposite ends blow into the tubing until the egg blows onto someone's face.Safety Note: Use an egg substitute (like Eggbeater's) to avoid bacteria or chance of salmonella. Have moist washcloths and...
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Get one of those little toddler games that looks like a ball with shapes cut into the side of it. Have one student sit opposite another. One gets the ball, the other gets a Super Soaker. The object is for the one with the ball to get all of the shapes into the ball before time us up. If...
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