Browsing Category:Up-Front Games

MAIN POINT: Just because you're related to someone doesn't mean you know them. Relationships take effort no matter if you're related or not!Like the old tv game show, "The Newlywed Game," only with siblings.Get several sets of siblings to play this game- see which siblings know each other the best. (select siblings that can be a good sport and...
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Have the contestants "break-out" in chicken pox by covering their arms in washable red marker dots. Give each student a wad of band-aids, and the one who covers the most chicken pox spots in 3 minutes is the winner.Added by BrookeAlso, see Ibble Dibble (Click Here).
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Also called "What Goes Around Comes Around"Great for wacky game nights or lock-ins. This game requires shaving cream, a spoon, female hair products (bows, clips, hairspray), and chairs to sit in.Start with the girls sitting. Assign a boy with hair to each girl. Have the boys "shave" the girl's face with shaving cream and a spoon in under 1...
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Outdoor or Indoor - funny during Easter season.Pick two barefoot kids. Lay eggs on plastic and have them walk through the course (simple). Have them walk through it backwards (still easy). The last time blindfold them and while they are blindfolded, remove the eggs and replace them with peanuts. Make them do it fast so they don't have time...
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You can either run this game as an UPFRONT GAME, entertaining the audience, or divide your whole group into even teams and have each team select a volunteer - preferably a small, light one. Give each team a roll of duct tape. The object is to tape a team member up on to the wall, using no more than...
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CAUTION: This is a timed challenge, to see how quickly a small amount of water can be consumed, NOT a contest to see how much more water can be consumed. We strongly discourage the latter, as it can cause severe sickness when too much liquid is consumed!On "Go!" have two kids drink two glasses of water trying not to...
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