Have the contestants "break-out" in chicken pox by covering their arms in washable red marker dots. Give each student a wad of band-aids, and the one who covers the most chicken pox spots in 3 minutes is the winner.Added by BrookeAlso, see Ibble Dibble (Click Here).
Fill a tub or large plastic tote with ice. Add water until the tub is full of both ice and water (baptistry works). Then place ten ones, two fives, and one ten dollar bill in the water beneath the ice. The contestants' names are drawn from a hat. (This is a great way to get visitor names and addresses.)...
Get one of those little toddler games that looks like a ball with shapes cut into the side of it. Have one student sit opposite another. One gets the ball, the other gets a Super Soaker. The object is for the one with the ball to get all of the shapes into the ball before time us up. If...
Get 6 volunteers and have 5 chairs up front. Tell them that they are going to play musical chairs, "but this being (NAME OF YOUTH GROUP), we do Dancing Musical Chairs!" Tell them that they will have to dance, dance, dance when the music starts.Blindfold them and start the music. Encourage other kids to cheer them on. After a...
Outdoor or indoor. For this game, you'll need 2 five gallon buckets and 2 jousting sticks (4 ft. sticks with foam rubber ends) or two pillows and a soft area to play (grass area or padded floor).Rules: Place buckets up-side-down, about 3 feet apart. 2 players stand on buckets, each with a joust stick or pillow.When the...
If you have a large group (say, 200 people), just select a few groups of 4 kids to do this chariot race in front of everyone else. If you have a small group, you might want to let everyone do it. For example, if you only have 15 kids, use 3 teams of 5.Each group gets a large blanket....
Outdoor or Indoor. This is a great activity to kill time at the beginning of an event - it works best with a good amount of space. The same as driving a regular golf ball, the only difference is. . . you use marshmallows. See who can hit them the farthest distance.Added by Rick HiltonAlso, see Golf Phwack II...