You need one large blanket and 3 informed guys.Announce that you have discovered the ugliest person in the world, and he is so ugly that it is hard to look at him, in fact, it's downright unbearable. Only another really ugly person can stand the sight of him.At this point, bring in a guy underneath a huge blanket rigged...
Poor man's Karaoke. Select a good song (if possible have lyrics typed out). Have a student come up, put on the walkman and do his/her best to sing along. Have the volume on the walkman loud so your singer can't hear him or herself for best results. online pharmacy buy amoxil no prescription online pharmacy actos for sale...
CAUTION: This is a timed challenge, to see how quickly a small amount of water can be consumed, NOT a contest to see how much more water can be consumed. We strongly discourage the latter, as it can cause severe sickness when too much liquid is consumed!On "Go!" have two kids drink two glasses of water trying not to...
Have someone hidden in the crowd with a cell phone on. Have another phone up front with the number for the other one programmed in it. Bring up a kid from the audience, dial the other phone, hand him the phone and tell him to find the other one as fast as he can.Hints: Test the room to make...
This game works best in a church with a baptistry that you've filled with milk and the bananas are sunk at the bottom 4 feet down! (I was young when I did this, so don't email me if you're offended by this!)You can use a bathtub or one of those bigger baby pools too, but a 4-foot baptistry is...
5 games that all involve cereal: Snoot ShootThe youth shoot Trix, Kix, or Cocoa Puffs out of their noses. The team whose Puff goes the farthest wins. Chariots of Fire or Rocky theme adds cheesiness. Rice Krispy Marble DigFill a small swimming pool full of Rice Krispies & marbles. Add water (milk is better, use the powdered kind...
Can be played up-front with audience watching or in teams with the whole group playing.For each contestant have a bag full of assorted snowman accessories such as a hat, scarf, mittens, a carrot etc. and a pair of safety goggles, a can of shaving cream and a set of clothes to go over their clothes for protection. Each team...