CAUTION: This is a timed challenge, to see how quickly a normal amount of soda can be consumed, NOT a contest to see how much more liquid can be consumed. We strongly discourage the latter, as it can cause severe sickness when too much liquid is consumed!Choose a number of contestants based on the size of your group, 2...
MAIN POINT: You can use this as an opener for a discussion on greed.A quick, just for fun game to liven up a banquet. Each person opens up a paper napkin and places a corner of it on his or her tongue. On "Go!", race to see who gets the entire napkin in their mouth first.
This gross game is played up front with 3-5 people while the crowd watches. Place a drop cloth or tarp down.Each contestant places a knee-high pantyhose over their head, which is funny in its own right. Have them kneel on the tarp. Give each one a bowl of especially runny Jello in the most seasonal color (green around St....
Get four students up front with many clothespins. They have one minute to put clothespins all over their face. The one with the most clothespins at the end of the designated time is the winner.Also, see Clothespin Bite Relay (Click Here) & Clothespin Mixer (Click Here).
Bring up 3 or 4 "tough" guys. Tell them you're going to have a contest to see who is the "coolest!" Have them change into some x-large shirts that you have for them and have them tuck the shirts in. Then have a teammate (or teammates) run with cups of ice to fill up the shirts. You'll need a...
For this game, have kids get in groups of three and give each trio a sack of miniature marshmallows. Each group should designate one neutral counter, one pitcher, and the other the catcher. On "go", the pitcher tosses a marshmallow into the catcher's mouth, and the catcher must eat the marshmallow. The pitcher and catcher should be about ten...
Take a funnel and shove the small end down the front of your pants so the wide end is facing up. Put your head back, place a penny on your forehead and close your eyes. Tilt your head forward, dropping the penny off of your forehead and into the funnel.Challenge the group that no one in the audience can...