Divide the group into two teams. Each team has a “base” against the wall of the pool, opposite each other. When the game starts, the battleship team comes off the wall and taunts the submarines into chasing them. The submarines push off when ready, swimming underwater and tries to touch/tag the battleships before the battleships reach base. If the...
This is a fun swimming pool game that is great for groups of 6 to 20 students. All you need is some sort of flotation device (an innertube, air mattress, or inflatable raft). Here’s how you play.Get everybody into the shallow end, about waist-deep water. Choose one person to be the “bowler” and one person to be the “bowling...
If done correctly, this is like a “covert operations” version of Steal The Bacon. You’ll need a CLEAR plastic 2 liter bottle...and a swimming poool. Make sure the Coke/Mountain Dew/etc wrapper is peeled off the bottle! Here’s what you do.The game leader fills the 2 liter all the way to the top (with pool water) and puts the cap...
If you have a swimming pool and lots of teens together, throw in a couple of rubber ducks, and you can play Duck Thrust. Here’s how it works.Put 3-4 players at one end of the pool and give them one rubber duck apiece. When you say go, they must use their nose to push the duck to the other...
This is a swimming pool classic.In Chicken, you need at least 4 players, but it can be as many as you want as long as it’s an even number. Have all the players pair up, with one sitting on the shoulders of the other. (Duh! Make sure that girls are ONLY sitting on the shoulders of other girls!!)When the...
This swimming pool game is a good one if you happen to have a large group. Here is how you play it.Have one person designated as the "gator." He or she treads water in the DEEP END of the pool while all other participants are standing on the side. The leader will then yell "gator!" and at that point,...
This game is played in water with as many people as you want. You will need a frisbee and two laundry baskets for the goals.Split your group into two teams. One side defends, and one tries to score. Toss a coin to see which team goes first. You will need someone positioned outside of the pool to retrieve the...