Browsing Category:Sick And Twisted Games

This game is just like Ultimate Frisbee, but . . . you guessed it - played with an octopus.Purchase an octopus at your local grocery store or fish market. Divide into two teams and play ULTIMATE FRISBEE, with the octopus. If you haven't played Ultimate Frisbee (Frisbee Football) online pharmacy buy pepcid online no prescription pharmacy , check it...
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This gross game is played up front with a few people while the crowd watches. Get several volunteers up front who claim to be hungry. Give them each a can of Spam (ew!). Award a prize to the first person to finish the whole thing. ("Winning" music is a nice touch in the background when you announce the winner;...
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Divide students into teams (however many you want) and form a line. Give each team a can of Spam. Have the first person in each line open the can and place the Spam under his chin, holding it against their chest. When you say "Go" they pass it to the next person's chin. (No hands allowed, except to pick...
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Watermelon Helmet ContestThat's right, have each team carve a helmet (or helmets) out of watermelons. You can go for the gladiator look or more of the Darth Vador look. Team members must wear helmets throughout the event.Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest(Need I explain?)Cantaloupe BowlingCreate a bowling alley in the parking lot and set up 2 liter bottles at the end....
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Gross Balloon VolleyballAll you need is a volleyball court or something similar, water balloons, and lots of gross liquids and sauces (except Tobasco).Add things to all of the water balloons like ketchup, mustard, syrup, chocolate syrup, salad dressing, anything you want. The grosser the better. (Fill the gross stuff first - then the water.)The object is to throw the...
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