Have paper plates scattered throughout the room. When the music stops, everyone must be touching a plate (one person to a plate). If they are not, they're out. Take out more plates every time.Submitted by Young Life online pharmacy purchase prednisone online with best prices today in the USA buy aciphex online aciphex no prescription See also Musical...
Played like Newspaper Name Nail with a few changes. Everyone is to learn the names of the persons to their left and right. Zip means left and Zap means right. The person in the middle says a person's name and either Zip or Zap. The person called must say the name of the person to their right or left,...
MAIN POINT: Getting to know youGood small group game. The object is to get individuals to share unknown things about themselves in a safe environment. Each player writes down a little-known truth about himself. The paper slips are handed in and read aloud one at a time. The slips are then read a second time, and players write who...
Give each student a penny and have them find a partner. They must hold the penny between their lip and chin without using their hands. Have them stand back to back. On the count of three, they turn and face each other. The first one to drop their penny is out and must sit down. The winner then finds...
Age old "Over Under Relay." Divide teams. On "go," each team passes the toilet paper, over the first person's head, under the next person's legs, over the next . . . unraveling it as you go. If toilet paper breaks, the person must tie it together before continuing to unravel.Also, see Snowball Fight on Anywhere page and Toilet Paper...
This game requires at least a good handful of people and a chair for everyone. Have everyone sit in a circle. Then select a person to go into the middle. When you say "go," they are to try to go back to their seat.Everyone slides their tush (shuffles their buns) over to block the person from sitting in the...
This is a great game to be done in a sanctuary with pews. Divide the crowd in half. Have several members from each side of the sanctuary go to the back of the room behind the last pew. Dump a pile (about 20 is good) of superballs in front of the first pew. The students in the pews must...