Have 3 kids with ski poles jump side to side over a pillow that is on the ground. Behind them is a chair. When the crowd yells "Bump!" on cue from the leader, they must sit down on the chair and burst the balloon. Say it’s a 5-bump course to be done for time, and be sure to have...
Bring 2 guys and 2 girls up (or one student from each grade). Give each student a pile of cotton balls. They must move the pile to another location of your choice (could be next to them on the table or across the room in a bowl, etc.) by putting Vaseline on their noses and picking up the cotton...
For this game, you need as many buckets of ice water (or snow) as you'll have teams, with equally distributed candy hearts in them. Break your group into 4-6 person teams. Have them remove their shoes and socks and sit in a circle of chairs with the bucket in the middle. Instruct the teams that on "Go!" they are...
Pull up 3 guys and have a large fish tank (wider is better than deeper). Explain that it is time to play "Bobbing for Apples (name of your youth ministry) Style"! Instead of just apples put in ping-pong balls, small apples (like crab apples), and golf balls.Explain that the ping pong balls are worth 1,000 points, the apples 2,000...
Bring 3 students up front and have each get down on all fours (like a dog) facing audience (or sitting on knees on chairs behind a table if you have a large crowd).Give each player a pinch-type clothespin to put in their mouth so the clothespin can be opened and closed with their teeth. Put bowls with 10 to...
Designate a “lock-up” area of the room. Take a Polaroid (instant) snapshot of each student as soon as they walk through the doors. Give them a Nerf slingshot or Nerf gun (you can use flags- like capture the flag, sock tags- socks filled with flour, or a balloon tied to the ankle- when popped you’re out).When you're ready to...
Have several people come up and sit cross-legged; the weight guesser lifts each one of them, holds them for a few seconds, then puts them down and guesses. (It goes without saying these should be people secure about themselves.) On about the 3rd person, slip a pan of water under the person being lifted before they get down.Added by...