Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

Have the contestants "break-out" in chicken pox by covering their arms in washable red marker dots. Give each student a wad of band-aids, and the one who covers the most chicken pox spots in 3 minutes is the winner.Added by BrookeAlso, see Ibble Dibble (Click Here).
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Divide into 4 teams. Send each team into a corner. The object of the game is to see which team can get to the opposite (diagonal) corner the fastest using the designated method that the leader calls out (eg. if the leader calls out "hopping," the teams must hop to the opposite corner). This will create quite a "bottleneck"...
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Bring three guys to the front to see who can eat the most bananas in five minutes while blindfolded. As soon as one banana is peeled and eaten, the contestant will be handed another. Blindfold all three.Instruct the crowd to cheer for their favorites, and then have associates silently remove two of the blindfolds and let the guys rejoin...
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Fun game where you and another staff person or student leader pretend that one of you has the ability to read minds.Important: Pre-arrange with "It" (your assistant) a person that they will pick first. As everybody arrives, tell them that "It" is a mind reader. Send "It" out of the room and point to the person that you have...
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For this game, you need a volleyball-sized Nerf ball. Have your students stand in a wide circle with two people in the middle.One person in the middle is the President, the other is the Bodyguard. The people in the circle have the Nerf ball, and throw it at the President. The bodyguard may do anything to block the ball...
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CAUTION: This is a timed challenge, to see how quickly a normal amount of soda can be consumed, NOT a contest to see how much more liquid can be consumed. We strongly discourage the latter, as it can cause severe sickness when too much liquid is consumed!Choose a number of contestants based on the size of your group, 2...
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