Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

You will need two dice and about 12 3X5 cards for every six people in your group.Separate into teams of exactly six and give each person in the group a number 1-6 (if one group has less than six people give some people two numbers). The leader will role the dice, the first one will represent a person and...
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Get five or more guys to be blindfolded 'horses' and five girls to be riders. Riders will try to guide their horse to another horse and rider to "blast them!"Here's how it works: After blindfolding the "horse," the rider puts a cup of ice (ammo), in the horse's mouth. The rider guides the horse by pulling on its ears....
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This is set up like any relay with multiple teams, each team with 5 clothespins. Have the first person in line attach the clothespins to their shirt, clothes, or body part, run around a certain designated point and return to have the clothespins removed by the next person in line . . . with their teeth!Also, see Clothespin Mixer...
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Have the entire group make a circle. Pick four to five people for each team. The first team goes into the center of the circle and forms a line by attaching their hands to the waist of the person in front of them. The people who make up the circle throw the ball at the "dragon", trying to hit...
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This game is played up front with 3 or 4 people while the crowd watches. Give them each a certain number of Jelly Bellies; they're smaller than normal jelly beans (Good and Plenty's or Skittles work as well).Place a bucket a good 5 feet away from each contestant. Contestants shoot the Jelly Belly candies (or Cheerios) from their NOSE...
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Poor man's Karaoke. Select a good song (if possible have lyrics typed out). Have a student come up, put on the walkman and do his/her best to sing along. Have the volume on the walkman loud so your singer can't hear him or herself for best results.
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5 games that all involve cereal: Snoot ShootThe youth shoot Trix, Kix, or Cocoa Puffs out of their noses. The team whose Puff goes the farthest wins. Chariots of Fire or Rocky theme adds cheesiness. Rice Krispy Marble DigFill a small swimming pool full of Rice Krispies & marbles. Add water (milk is better, use the powdered kind...
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