Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

Like Identity Circle (Click Here) or Fruit Basket Upset (Click Here). Have everyone sit in a circle except one person who stands in the middle. Everyone in the circle has to be sitting in a chair or on an “x” marked on the ground with tape (there has to be only as many designated seats as there are people...
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Lay plastic on the floor for this gross up-front game and set up so everyone can see.Have pairs lie down head to head and feed ice cream to the person behind them. The first team to empty their bowls wins. This gets messy only on the fed person's face…and neck…and chest.You may want to make sure you've got live...
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In most hardware stores you can buy the pink plunger part separate from the stick. So get two plunger ends for every stick. Put one plunger end at each end of the stick. Tie a tennis ball by about 2 feet of string to the middle of the stick.Pull up either 4 or six students, in order to make...
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You can use this game as a small group activity or as an upfront game for a huge group.For this game, you need at least 6 students and 9 chairs. Set up 2 teams: one to be x's and the other o's. Divide it how you wish: the guys can be x's and the girls o's, or all the...
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Get two sets of thermal underwear and a bunch of water balloons. Get two volunteers and assign them a team of 2-4 people, whose job is to stuff water balloons in the long johns. When the designated time is up you count the balloons and the one with the most balloons wins. The winner and his stuffers get to...
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Much like "Toothpicks and Lifesavers." Give everyone a straw to put in their mouth. In rows or pews have them stand up and get ready to pass a small cup (Dixie cups work great) to the next person by using only the straw. The row to do this first, without cheating, wins! You can have a few people in...
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