This gross game is played up front with several people while the crowd watches. Get tubes of toothpaste, little dixie cups, chairs, and blindfolds. Form teams of two. One person stands on the chairs while the other one lays on the ground (or a table if you want the audience to see better) with their heads near the back...
First make the biggest (trust me, it needs to be big) slip-n-slide that money will allow. Then put baby shampoo (no tears!) and water all over it to make it as slick as possible. Line your students up across one of the slides skinny ends. (Our dimensions are always around 20' x 30'.) Make as many teams as will...
Tell students ahead of time to bring a beach towel from home for this game. Provide a few extras for those who don't have one or forget.Split students into teams of four, giving them each a beach towel. Set them a predetermined length apart and have two from each team launch a water balloon with the beach towel. The...
A simple game with any number of evenly divided teams. Everyone gets a toothpick and places it in their mouth. Get the teams in some sort of single file line, row or circle. Start the front or beginning person with a lifesaver on their toothpick. They must pass the lifesaver from their toothpick to their neighbor's toothpick without any...
Line up kids behind the diving board. Just like the basketball game "PIG" (or HORSE) the first person says what they are going to try to do. If they do it the next person has to do the same dive, flip, or whatever they did. If they also do it correctly then the next person has to do it...
A classic pool game that is fun for crazy participants, but slightly more entertaining for the onlookers.You must have a pool with a diving board and is large enough for people to dive into. Whoever wants to play lines up outside the pool. Going one at a time, the player must get a running start and get a good...
Divide the group up and give each team something that they need to act out for the other groups to guess. Suggestions: poison gas in the room, laughing gas, bad odor in the room, etc. You don't need to make it a contest, but if you want to, have staff member judge which group did the best.