Browsing Category:Outdoor Games

This game is kind of a reverse "Hide and Go Seek." Turn out all the lights. Have one person go hide. Everyone else is “it” and looks for this person. As soon as one person finds the person hiding, he or she hides with the person. Now there are two hiding.As soon as someone else finds them, that person...
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Outdoor & Big room. Do I need to explain this game? It's basic baseball with a wiffle ball and bat! You might ask me why I put it on the list even. I'll tell you: Come in real close so I can whisper it in your ear . . . BECAUSE IT'S FUN!!!Also see Rio Linda Wiffle Ball, Shaving...
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A lot like normal Kickball with a bunch of backward twists (hence the name "Rio Linda," if you've ever been there, you know exactly what I mean!)Rules: All the bases are backwards. Run to 3rd first, then 2nd, and then 1st.  All players on a team get one time up and they get one pitch from their...
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Conjure up something with a circumference of about 20 feet, (such as 2 tables pushed together or rope wrapped around 4 chairs). Blindfold two people and dress them in helmet and pads for safety. Put them on opposite sides of this circle. Both must always be touching it. Designate one to be "it" and have the bystanders shout to...
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Outdoor or Indoor. This game is a normal game of tag with an added twist. When "it" tags someone, the person becomes part of "it." Then the two of them must run hand in hand and catch their next victim who will join them. The last one caught by the "Blob" is the winner!Also, see Amoeba Race online pharmacy...
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