Wrap 15 feet of clear tubing around a small girl. Have 3 different pairs of guys get 3 marbles from one end and out the other by lifting and spinning the girl. The fastest time wins. If you have the bucks to buy 2 lengths of tube, you can have 2 groups at once racing.Idea from Young Life online...
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This gross game is played up front with a few people while the crowd watches. Announce that you're playing "Pin The Tail On the Donkey" but you forgot the tails, so students will use their finger. Play as normal, only after a few seconds hold a jar of peanut butter in front of wherever the student puts his/her finger.Added...
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Take 3 people out of the room. Tell the crowd to ask questions to them to figure out what’s in the bag when they return. Bring one kid in and tell him/her to try to really sell what’s in the bag without giving away what it is. The crowd knows it’s toilet paper (or 3X underwear).Backstage, you’ve told your...
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Similar to Michelin Man Bumper Tube (under TubeMania) – basically Sumo Wrestling for poor people:Get six large inner-tubes, and tape three together in a stack so a person can fit inside. Take a piece of rope about 32 inches long and cut it into four pieces…tie them into circles, and then tape two at the bottom of each stack...
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Go to local bowling alleys and ask for 12 old pins (Youth worker John Lord's alternate 'pins' are a stack of small plastic chairs or other large, soft items).Get a "creeper" (sled on wheels used to slide under a car to do maintenance), or an oversized skateboard, and a motorcycle helmet. Put girls on the sled with the helmet...
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