This game is played up front with 4 volunteers while the crowd watches. Before your group or event, place 4 buckets full of water at one end of the room or stage and 4 empty buckets at the other end. Bring your 4 volunteers up front and give one large disposable diaper to each.Have each volunteer stand at the...
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Choose 3 guy/girl couples (see variation below if you don't want to use couples). Tie a Lifesaver in the middle of a long piece of licorice. Guy and girl at each end race to eat the licorice and Lifesaver first without using their hands. If it drops on the floor they must get it without using their hands.Have one...
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Figure out a way to connect a candleholder (with 1-3 candles in it) onto some type of helmet. Choose four kids and have them stand 10 feet away from each other. Light the candles, give them squirt guns to try to put out the others’ fire. You may want to hand them bigger and bigger guns (up to a...
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Funny small group game. Split your group in half and line them up. They will pass an ice cube down several peoples' backs. The ice cube is passed out at the bottom of one person’s shirt into the top of the next shirt. If it falls, start over. Whichever line of students finishes passing to the final person wins.Added...
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online pharmacy buy imuran without prescription with best prices today in the USA TheSource4YM.com Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, March 16, 2004 In This...
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Good small group game. You need 6 (preferably goofy) hats. Have 7 kids stand in a circle facing the back of the person in front of them. Each should have a hat except one of them. Then, to music, they grab the hat of the person in front of them and place it on their...
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