Main Point: Don’t surround yourself with garbage when you want something better. Discussion Starter: Woman Taken Out With Trash Read the following article that’s taken from an actual occurrence in Mississippi (as recorded on Fox News’ website). A Mississippi woman is lucky to be alive after being picked up and nearly crushed by a garbage truck. The unnamed woman...
(New Line Cinema, 2001)Main Point of Discussion: Character isn’t about outward qualities, but inward qualities.The Movie Clip: "If you do not do this, no one will."This is the first of the three Lord of the Rings movies. It is about Frodo Baggins, a very noble-hearted but unimportant Hobbitt, who must traverse over great lands to destroy an evil...
Main Point: Decisions motivated by money lead to disaster.The Movie Clip: On a cold New Year's Eve afternoon in a struggling Midwestern town, Hank Mitchell (Bill Paxton), his older brother Jacob (Billy Bob Thornton) and Jacob's buddy Lou discover the snow-encrusted wreck of a small plane, which holds a dead pilot and a duffel bag containing over four...
Ten Bags of Doom doesn't take much set up time, just a lot of clean up. This works great as a motivation/marketing piece for a certain event. Pick a staff guy who all the kids love to tell the students that if they bring a certain number of their friends to a certain event, they get to give him...
Market this big! Let students know they are gonna get disgusting and to bring a change of clothes!Use your creativity with this. You can make one course and time people going through it, or make it for two people, with two of each part of the course so it can be a race or relay. Either way, make sure...
An All Day Event TheyÕll Never ForgetEver looking for another event besides the proverbial mini-golf? Well maybe your group would like ÒLOST.Ó Imagine dropping off your students at a far off unknown location in teams of eight, equipped with only a $100 bill per team, an envelope of crazy instructions, and a video cameraman recording the whole...
It's an all night party with plenty of activities and plenty of time to hang out, or just "kick it." You could almost market it as just that.This event requires enough vehicles to haul your entire group around, enough drivers that can handle driving all night, and enough caffeine to help keep the drivers awake! Start at your normal...