Ezine Archives

eZine 12.20.2004

TheSource4YM.com Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Monday, December 20, 2004 Special Christmas Issue: Scared to Say "Jesus" by Jonathan McKee December 20, 2004...
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Main Point: God’s love is for everyone . . . it’s not secret. Opener: Who likes a good mystery? That's what we're going to talk about. But first, we're going to solve one: Have a 25 or 50 piece puzzle dumped on the floor before everyone arrives. Hide between 1 and 3 pieces around the room (remember...
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Everyone remembers their very first slip and slide out in the yard on a hot summer day. Here is a fun variation.Get approximately 50 feet of plastic tarp and items that would be found on a banana split (ice cream, strawberry syrup, caramel syrup, chocolate syrup, banana pieces, and maraschino cherries). Pile items on top of the tarp and...
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The Adulteress Woman (John 8:1-11)I've used this Thought-provoker with groups of unchurched kids who don't know the Bible, and I've used it with adults with cemetery degrees, it works equally well! Read John 8:1-11 aloud. Then ask for volunteers to come up and act out the different parts of this passage- they won't have to act as much as...
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Main Point: We all get the opportunity to leave a legacy. Let’s make sure that the one we write with our lives is worth putting on our tombstone. online pharmacy zyprexa for sale no prescription Discussion Starter: Who Taught Kareem the Hook Shot? The following is an article that was written by one of sports’ greatest writers, Rick...
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Main Point: Jesus is a Man of compassion and love and is much more concerned with our future than our past.Discussion Starter: Reading and Recreation of The Adulterous Woman (Jn 8:1-11)Read John 8:1-11 aloud. Then ask for volunteers to come up and act out the different parts of this passage - they won't have to act as much as...
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Main Point: The only people who can please God are those who live according to God’s Spirit. Discussion Starter: The People Who Please GodGive each student a pen and a piece of paper that has three blank spaces on it (down the left hand side of the sheet). Then ask them to write down the names of three people...
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