This is a skit done at a house group meeting. Have the ÒangryÓ neighbor played by an adult who the kids do not know. This is a great way to introduce a new staff member.Angry neighbor bangs on door, claiming a car is blocking his driveway (which is a leaderÕs car, and they go out to move it). Angry...
Rated PG-13Directed by Paul Weitz (American Pie, About A Boy)Starring Dennis Quaid, Topher Grace, and Scarlett JohanssonIn Good Company is just like a Dodge Caravan. At first it’s great . . . but after a short while it breaks down and just starts to tic you off!Baby Boomer Dan Foreman (Dennis Quaid), top sales guy at a big...
A silly game - Simon Says meets Paper, Rock, Scissors.STEP #1: One person is the Top Monkey (they make a motion scratching both armpits like a monkey and encourage the crowd to do the same) and they stand in front of the crowd and explain that they are Top Monkey and that all the animals in the jungle want...
Supplies: 3 tables, 2 buckets, 1 bouncy small ball, lots of studentsPlay like basketball. Set up 3 tables on their sides, like an enclosed triangle. Set bucket in the middle. Place teams on separate sides of the triangle-basketball court. The object is to get the ball in the bucket. If it goes inside the table area, it’s automatically the...
This is an indoor game for 2 or more players.The object of the game: Get your toilet paper to roll over the feather that is sticking out of the ground 12 feet away. (If indoors, simply tape the feather so that it will stand up on a small piece of thin cardboard.)The first player must toss the toilet paper...
Rated PG-13Directed by Jay Roach (Meet the Parents, All three Austin Powers movies)Starring Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller, Dustin Hoffman, Barbra StreisandI heard of a pastor in our town who was publicly condemning this film because of the title. Trust me . . . the title is the least of this film’s leap beyond “the line.”I was actually...
Rated PG-13 for languageDirected by Steven Soderbergh (Ocean's Eleven, Solaris, Traffic, Erin Brockovich)Starring George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts . . . the whole gang again plus Catherine Zeta-JonesThe proverbial sequel. Not a bad film, but pale in comparison to the original.I guess it’s hard to even judge a film like Ocean’s Twelve fairly, because I carry so...