Stupid Skits

Doctor Office Skit

You will need 6 people, pregnant woman costume and a nurse costume, or if you have a small group, you can use the variation below this, submitted by Kristi, where only 3 people are involved. The Young Life online pharmacy purchase kamagra-polo without prescription with best prices today in the USA version goes like this: The room is...
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Stupid Skits

Blind Date

A guy and a girl are on a blind date. As they go through the Ògetting-to-know-youÓ motions, he realizes that she is actually blind, so starts doing all sorts of crazy things. (This skit is only as funny as the guy you have doing the stupid things) Finally she tells him that sheÕs only blind in...
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Stupid Skits

3D Movie

A guy and girl walk out in lab coats; one stands behind a chair. Announcer pulls up a planted volunteer. The kid sits down in the chair, puts on 3D glasses and stares ahead as if watching a movie behind the crowd. A guy and girl read a movie story line backstage over microphones while the lab coats help...
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Ezine Archives

eZine 02.01.2005 Jonathan's Resource Ezine online pharmacy seroquel over the counter with best prices today in the USA Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, February 1, 2005 In This Issue ...
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MAIN POINT: online pharmacy order zestril no prescription with best prices today in the USA  This is a getting to know you game. Relationships don't go anywhere if you can't even remember what people tell you! This game also begins like the game Dollar Surprise (Click Here).Give 5-10 people increments of $1-3 each... secretly instruct them (like when everyone is...
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Get 4 students to come to the front of the room. On a table, for each person, have an oversized shirt, 2 oven mitts and a jar full of hard chewing gum (the harder the better, takes more time). Each member is to run from a certain spot up to the table, put on the oversized shirt, then the...
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Provide 12 film canisters (or similar small containers) for as many students as you have playing. Fill film canisters with different smells. Try 12 different smells (12 teams of 4-5 students), and 5 canisters of each scent (one for each team member).Apply scents on cotton balls. For example, tuna oil, sauerkraut, vinegar, limburger cheese - the smellier, the better.On...
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