Travel or Small Group. One person starts a story – any kind of story (i.e. “Once upon a time there was a bear named Horatio….”). The person in the next seat continues the story (i.e. “Horatio was a dumb, but friendly bear with zits all over his fur-face…”). Each person adds a statement to the story. This time-filler ends...
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Quick small group opener/activity. Not a game; just a fun way of getting to know each other a little better. buy strattera online strattera no prescription online pharmacy imuran no prescription Get into a circle and select someone to begin, then move clockwise around the circle. The first person says two similar items like pizza and ice cream...
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This skit-game is only as good as the person leading it. Bring a few pairs of kids up front. Have an XXL t-shirt for every pair. Have them both get into the t-shirt and do specific tasks that you ask them to do. You can do this in a skit-like format. You can read a story and have them...
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A messy but simple game for groups under 50. Get a few bags of peanuts in the shell. Give every student one peanut. Have them go around and challenge each other to a BATTLE of the NUTS by simply pressing their peanuts up against each other until one of them breaks the shell. The student with their peanut still...
Continue reading Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, April 19, 2005 In This Issue Featured: Heap Winners! What's New: Jonathan's Opinion of Those "Fockers" "Meet...
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Purpose:To demonstrate the foolishness of falling into the same sins that we have seen ruin the lives of friends, family and people around us. Items Needed:A fly strip (you know, one of those long, extremely sticky fly catchers that you see hung up in barns, camps, etc.) It’s great if you can get a used one that is...
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Purpose:To demonstrate that there can be pleasure in sin for a season, but that the reality of sin is disgusting, wrong and to be avoided. buy robaxin online robaxin online no prescription Items Needed:A pair of small, dark colored youth underwearA 2 L. bottle of dark colored pop (Pepsi, Coke, Root Beer, etc.)Styrofoam cupsPair of scissors or a...
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