Browsing Category:Season 8


by Thom McKee

Did you ever think that mercy would win at the end of season 8 of The Walking Dead? I know that I didn’t.

It is no secret that I have been very critical of this season. I have pointed out over and over how disjointed and counter-logical the show has been all season. And tonight’s episode wasn’t without its problems. Maggie’s anger makes sense to me, and her breakdown after Rick’s act of mercy was heart wrenching. But, I guess that we are now supposed to believe that Jesus, the same man who

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by Thom McKee

Has anyone ever stabbed you in the back… metaphorically, of course?

It doesn’t feel good when someone you trust betrays you. And most of us try very hard to surround ourselves with people who won’t turn on us like Simon and Dwight turned on Negan. But it doesn’t always work out that way. Sometimes in life, people are able to betray us because we simply never actually know what is going on in the their minds.

However, Negan has put himself in a position where he

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by Thom McKee

Imagine you watched this show for the very first time tonight. Let’s say that you didn’t know anything that has happened up to this point and that you just tuned in and you had to try and figure out what was going on. Let’s also pretend that you never read the comics (which may be true) and that you have never heard a single conversation about the show.

Who on the show would you relate to the most?

Would you be able to figure out what was going on?

My guess is that you would be

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by Thom McKee

Throughout this entire series one of the biggest themes on the show has been leadership, good and bad.

So far we have seen some great leaders. Rick has guided our group through thick and thin, and while there are some doubters, he has proven to be a powerful leader whenever they came across people or walkers trying to kill the group.

King Ezekiel, who may have had unconventional methods

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by Thom McKee

After eight seasons of The Walking Dead, if there is one thing that has been worn down on all of our characters it is their trust.

I know that this is true because it has happened to the audience too. There probably isn’t a week that goes by where I don’t find myself saying, “Don’t trust that guy (or girl)”! And it makes sense on this show. People in this world are particularly untrustworthy no matter what they appear to be.

But this was the challenge laid out by

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There is a story I heard about a man who was trapped on his roof during a hurricane. So he decided to pray. He said, “God, I have so much to live for. Please don’t let me die now and I will dedicate the rest of my life to you.”

In about ten minutes a man floated by in a canoe and asked the man on the roof if he needed a ride. The man on the roof said, “No, God is going to rescue me.”

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by Thom McKee

Years ago I had a very interesting conversation with an American who was sympathetic to the Irish Republican Army. Now, most of you probably don’t have very strong opinions on the IRA, especially since there has been peace in Northern Ireland for over two decades now. But it certainly didn’t used to be that way and I know this first hand. So my reaction to this IRA sympathizer was not so great.

My perspective is a little different because I lived in London in 1991 when the IRA

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