Bring three guys to the front to see who can eat the most bananas in five minutes while blindfolded. As soon as one banana is peeled and eaten, the contestant will be handed another. Blindfold all three.Instruct the crowd to cheer for their favorites, and then have associates silently remove two of the blindfolds and let the guys rejoin...
This is a great game to do through the middle of the crowd while the crowd watches. Bring several students up front and give them a party blower and a ping pong ball each. Have them get down on all fours and race their ping pong ball to a given destination and back. The only way they can move...
Get 4 volunteers up front and have them sit down on stools, facing the audience. On a low table in front of each of the volunteers, have the ingredients for lemonade: a 1/4 of a lemon each, a teaspoon of sugar, and a glass of water.Announce that this is a race to make lemonade. When you say "Go," they...
Three girls put a diaper (towel) around three guys, then sit them on their lap and feed them a baby bottle of soda (no more than half full), then make them burp. The first guy to burp wins. This game is so fun to watch because of how difficult it is to suck any quantity of liquid from a...
Take a funnel and shove the small end down the front of your pants so the wide end is facing up. Put your head back, place a penny on your forehead and close your eyes. Tilt your head forward, dropping the penny off of your forehead and into the funnel.Challenge the group that no one in the audience can...
Have 3 people who know the object of the game hiding out of the room with a cup of water and a blanket. The leader then explains that he has found a rare creature (the hefalump) and that it is skilled in many areas. To build it up the leader starts to explain how people must be quiet and...
Dress two contestants in white t-shirts and white sweats. Give students protective eyewear (It will add a lot if you can get some fencing headgear as well). Duct tape two big black markers to the end of two strong dowel rods (bought at any hardware store). Instruct them that the only place they can mark is above the belt...