Browsing Category:Up-Front Games

Two people sitting very close (knee to knee) in chairs facing each other compete to drink a full container of Ginger Ale. They have a candle (which they can never let go of) in their left hand resting on their left knee, and a lighter and a Ginger Ale in front of them. They may only drink the Ginger...
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Bring up 3 or 4 "tough" guys. Tell them you're going to have a contest to see who is the "coolest!" Have them change into some x-large shirts that you have for them and have them tuck the shirts in. Then have a teammate (or teammates) run with cups of ice to fill up the shirts. You'll need a...
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Bring 2 or 3 pairs of students up front. Pair them up (player A and player B) and give each pair a four-foot long piece of string and two marshmallows. At a signal, the pairs tie one marshmallow on each end of the string. Player A in each pair holds one marshmallow in his/her mouth while standing and facing...
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MAIN POINT: Trust and/or Things aren't always what they seem.For this up-front game, you need a blindfold and a 2x10 board at least 3 to 4 feet long – strong enough to support someone's weight.Have two informed strong leaders on either side of the board they are going to "lift" with someone standing on it. Have several informed 'spotters'...
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Get 2 or 3 couples. (If possible, get tall guys and short girls). Tie the guys' right wrists to the girls' left wrists. Blindfold the girls first, then guys. After the guys are blindfolded, remove the girls' blindfolds. Give each a rolled newspaper (make it a very light newspaper that doesn't hurt) and tell them on the signal to...
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For this game, have kids get in groups of three and give each trio a sack of miniature marshmallows. Each group should designate one neutral counter, one pitcher, and the other the catcher. On "go", the pitcher tosses a marshmallow into the catcher's mouth, and the catcher must eat the marshmallow. The pitcher and catcher should be about ten...
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