You begin the game by announcing you're going to have a kissing contest (the looks you get from workers are the best).Have 3 pretty girls come and stand at the front of the room. You tell the guys that they'll walk in one by one and ask each girl, "Are you my flower girl?" If she shakes her head...
Crowd breaker. Have students get into groups of 5 to 10. Have them select one student who will wear a shower cap. Have the group place 2-sided tape all over the cap and then cut either brown or black yarn to be placed on the tape on the cap to look like a mullet. Then have the mullets come...
Outdoor or Indoor - funny during Easter season.Pick two barefoot kids. Lay eggs on plastic and have them walk through the course (simple). Have them walk through it backwards (still easy). The last time blindfold them and while they are blindfolded, remove the eggs and replace them with peanuts. Make them do it fast so they don't have time...
Prepare three or four costumes and grab the same number of volunteers. I used an old military uniform, one of those old polyester Taco Bell uniforms (my friend's NOT mine!), and a 70's outfit. Each ridiculous looking costume consisted of a pair of pants, a top, a pair of glasses, and a hat.Set the costume in front of each...
Bring 2 people up front. Get a pair of women's size small thigh-high pantyhose.(Or just cut the legs from a regular pair.)Put a tennis ball at the end of each one all the way at the toe end. Have the contestants put the pantyhose over their head and face (w/ ball dangling in front). They bend over and start...
You can either run this game as an UPFRONT GAME, entertaining the audience, or divide your whole group into even teams and have each team select a volunteer - preferably a small, light one. Give each team a roll of duct tape. The object is to tape a team member up on to the wall, using no more than...
Divide into two teams and give each member a straw and a pile of Q-tips. One team member from each side sits on their side of the room on a chair with a paper cup on their head.The object is to knock the opposite team's paper cup off the person's head by blowing the Q-tips through the straws. No...