Ask three volunteers to sit in chairs facing the rest of the group. On the signal, they each open a different flavored packet (the small ones) of Kool-Aid. They then lick just one finger and dip it into the packet. The person who (in that manner) is the first to eat all of the Kool-Aid in the packet wins....
Prepare beforehand by spreading out plastic on your stage area. Find a place where everyone can see someone laying down.Get several pairs of students to come up front. Have one partner lay down on the plastic and the other around the edge of the plastic. Have the "dropper" stand over the head of the partner with a small cup...
Like the old 70's TV game show. Pre-arrange four contestants for this game. Have them share a funny/interesting story that happened to them when they were young that they can say in one sentence. (e.g. My name is Billy and when I was 5, I was walking with my mom and a big guy ran by and grabbed my...
Prep: Buy or get a 4'x8' sheet of plexiglass donated.You will need: Oreos, Cheese in a can, CrackersCall up two teams of two. Tell the students that they need to draw someone using the Oreos, cheese in a can, and crackers. When they finish hold up the plexiglass to show the audience and let them vote by applause.Then tell...
Ahead of time buy cheap vanilla ice cream and a jar of cheap Mayonnaise. Put the mayo in a Tupperware dish and freeze. (Mayonnaise, when frozen, looks exactly like vanilla ice cream.)Before the contest, scoop out some ice cream into a couple bowls and scoop some mayo into one bowl. Keep frozen until the last minute.Set the contest up...
Two people sitting very close (knee to knee) in chairs facing each other compete to drink a full container of Ginger Ale. They have a candle (which they can never let go of) in their left hand resting on their left knee, and a lighter and a Ginger Ale in front of them. They may only drink the Ginger...
Three girls put a diaper (towel) around three guys, then sit them on their lap and feed them a baby bottle of soda (no more than half full), then make them burp. The first guy to burp wins. This game is so fun to watch because of how difficult it is to suck any quantity of liquid from a...