Cut up slips of paper with words on them and put them into a bag. Break up your audience or group into two teams. Get a volunteer from each team to spell the word he/she took out of the bag by moving their hips (spelling the words with their butts!). (Make sure they do not say a word to...
For this game, you need a cell phone (preferably w/a speakerphone) and a sound system.Bring a student up-front. Have them use your cell phone (you have to be able to hear the person on the other line) to make a live call to a friend of their choice. They will identify where they are and what's going on (“I'm...
Select three volunteers to compete against each other. Each student receives a large balloon. The first to blow up their balloon using only their nose so far that it pops wins.
Bring 3 students up front. Hand them each a glass of water. Then, one at a time, show only the person doing the gargling the name of a familiar song. It could be a nursery rhyme or any other familiar song. Have the person take a drink of water and attempt to gargle the tune you have showed them....
Bring up 6-7 kids - guy, girl alternating with a girl at the end (all are in on it beforehand except for the last guy before the last girl). Standing in line always facing the audience, they quickly relay down the line “cheeky, cheeky" (they say it as they squeeze the other person’s cheek between their forefinger and thumb).Tell...
Ask three volunteers to sit in chairs facing the rest of the group. On the signal, they each open a different flavored packet (the small ones) of Kool-Aid. They then lick just one finger and dip it into the packet. The person who (in that manner) is the first to eat all of the Kool-Aid in the packet wins....
CAUTION: This is a timed challenge, to see how quickly a normal amount of soda can be consumed, NOT a contest to see how much more liquid can be consumed. We strongly discourage the latter, as it can cause severe sickness when too much liquid is consumed!Choose a number of contestants based on the size of your group, 2...