Browsing Category:Up-Front Games

This gross game is played up front with a few people while the crowd watches. Announce that you're playing "Pin The Tail On the Donkey" but you forgot the tails, so students will use their finger. Play as normal, only after a few seconds hold a jar of peanut butter in front of wherever the student puts his/her finger.Added...
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Wrap 15 feet of clear tubing around a small girl. Have 3 different pairs of guys get 3 marbles from one end and out the other by lifting and spinning the girl. The fastest time wins. If you have the bucks to buy 2 lengths of tube, you can have 2 groups at once racing.Idea from Young Life online...
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Use one or more pairs of one boy and one girl and place a cookie sheet with a ping-pong ball on it between them. Explain that the object is to blow the ball to the other side while blindfolded. After they are blindfolded, place the ball on a mound of flour on the cookie sheet.Added by Young LifeAlso, see...
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Bring 2-6 volunteers up front and put a glob of shaving or whipped cream on their noses. Place them strategically around the room. With squirt guns, they must try to shoot the shaving cream off the nose of the person on their right. Clearly explain that if they start shooting the crowd on purpose, they will be eliminated. You...
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