For this game you need to make your own money on your computer (be sure it's clearly phony or it might be a federal offense). Give each person 10 of the bills. They are to try to win as many as possible from their peers by challenging them. Set a time limit, or say the first person to have...
Get 3 or 4 brave volunteers with strong stomachs who race to eat a bowl of green oatmeal the fastest. This is best if recorded on camera and projected on the big screen. Award a first, second and third place so all contestants keep eating til done.When they finish have one of your staff ask, "Hey ‘Jonathan,' where do...
Prep: Buy or get a 4'x8' sheet of plexiglass donated.You will need: Oreos, Cheese in a can, CrackersCall up two teams of two. Tell the students that they need to draw someone using the Oreos, cheese in a can, and crackers. When they finish hold up the plexiglass to show the audience and let them vote by applause.Then tell...
Also called "What Goes Around Comes Around"Great for wacky game nights or lock-ins. This game requires shaving cream, a spoon, female hair products (bows, clips, hairspray), and chairs to sit in.Start with the girls sitting. Assign a boy with hair to each girl. Have the boys "shave" the girl's face with shaving cream and a spoon in under 1...
We did the Baby Bottle Burp (Click Here), only first, guys had to feed girls a jar of baby food with the girls wearing bibs. (For bibs: I use plastic grocery bags & split the handles and cut the bags in half; each bag makes two.) Then the girls had to tie the bib around the guy and feed...
Borrow or purchase a clay pigeon thrower. Ours was not the kind you hold in your hand; it was the kind that mounts on a base and fires the clay pigeon with a giant spring and a catapult arm.Without telling them why I told all participants of the overnighter to bring one wrapped Little Debbie or Hostess product. Later...
You begin the game by announcing you're going to have a kissing contest (the looks you get from workers are the best).Have 3 pretty girls come and stand at the front of the room. You tell the guys that they'll walk in one by one and ask each girl, "Are you my flower girl?" If she shakes her head...