Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

Line up kids behind the diving board. Just like the basketball game "PIG" (or HORSE) the first person says what they are going to try to do. If they do it the next person has to do the same dive, flip, or whatever they did. If they also do it correctly then the next person has to do it...
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A classic pool game that is fun for crazy participants, but slightly more entertaining for the onlookers.You must have a pool with a diving board and is large enough for people to dive into. Whoever wants to play lines up outside the pool. Going one at a time, the player must get a running start and get a good...
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Divide the group up and give each team something that they need to act out for the other groups to guess. Suggestions: poison gas in the room, laughing gas, bad odor in the room, etc. You don't need to make it a contest, but if you want to, have staff member judge which group did the best.
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Lay plastic on the floor for this gross up-front game and set up so everyone can see.Have pairs lie down head to head and feed ice cream to the person behind them. The first team to empty their bowls wins. This gets messy only on the fed person's face…and neck…and chest.You may want to make sure you've got live...
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In most hardware stores you can buy the pink plunger part separate from the stick. So get two plunger ends for every stick. Put one plunger end at each end of the stick. Tie a tennis ball by about 2 feet of string to the middle of the stick.Pull up either 4 or six students, in order to make...
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Set up a court outside for dodgeball. Plays like dodge ball or any other variation.Use a rope to set up a centerline and boundaries. Give each team a bucket of water, 5-gallon buckets work well. Outfit each team with plenty of rolls of toilet paper depending on the size of your group. You'll get about 5 good throws from...
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