Browsing Category:Anywhere Games

Buy the board game twister and play three guys, then three girls. See which gender can stay on for the most turns. Also, play classes against each other.*Also see Condiment Twister, Slime Twister, & Twister Testimony
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Borrow or purchase a clay pigeon thrower. Ours was not the kind you hold in your hand; it was the kind that mounts on a base and fires the clay pigeon with a giant spring and a catapult arm.Without telling them why I told all participants of the overnighter to bring one wrapped Little Debbie or Hostess product. Later...
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You will need two dice and about 12 3X5 cards for every six people in your group.Separate into teams of exactly six and give each person in the group a number 1-6 (if one group has less than six people give some people two numbers). The leader will role the dice, the first one will represent a person and...
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MAIN POINT: CommunicationSimply announce that you want everyone lined up across the room by birth date. The only catch: no talking. Once they are all lined up, ask certain people their birthdays just to be sure.You can have them do the same thing, but by shoe size, height, etc.Also see Communication Challenge (Click Here), Inversion (Click Here), and Numbers...
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Bring 3 students up front. Hand them each a glass of water. Then, one at a time, show only the person doing the gargling the name of a familiar song. It could be a nursery rhyme or any other familiar song. Have the person take a drink of water and attempt to gargle the tune you have showed them....
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You will need some strips of cloth (approx. 2-3 ft. of fabric, cloth, plastic, cord, etc...) for everyone who plays. The game is simple. Have everyone tuck the strips into the back of their pants or shorts so that approx. 2 feet of excess strip is left hanging. (Note: this works great with young children as well.)The object of...
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Give everyone a balloon and a piece of string or yarn. Have them blow up the balloon and tie it to their ankle. Then announce that they are to try to stomp out other people's balloons while keeping their own safe. Last person with a blown up balloon wins.Note: Be sure to have some guideline regarding the length of...
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