Big Room Games, Games & Icebreakers, Outdoor Games
Noodle Knights (aka Braveheart)
Divide into 2 teams and give each player a 3-foot piece of foam noodle and a Burger King crown. One team puts the...
Movie Clip Discussions
Ocean's Twelve
MAIN POINT: The last shall be first. Finishing first isn’t necessarily God’s plan for our life.The movie Ocean’s Twelve is about...
Movie Clip Discussions
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story
PG-13, 1998, UniversalMain Point: If we simply love others, we will stand out and be a witness.Attention Grabber: Movie – Dragon: The...
Movie Clip Discussions
Ocean’s Eleven
(Warner Bros. Pictures, 2001)Main Point of Discussion: When we think no one is looking, we often discover the true desires of our...
Movie Clip Discussions
G.I.Joe, Season 1, Part 2 (Cartoon Series Clip)
1985 Sunbow Productions,(now Rhino Home Video publishes)Main Point: We must persevere in our faith, even when our feelings don’t seem to be there.Attention...
Movie Reviews
Sahara (8/30/2005)
Rated PG-13 for action violence Directed by Breck Eisner Starring Matthew McConaughey, Steve Zahn, William H. Macy and Penelope CruzRental!Sahara was good...