Ezine Archives
eZine 04.10.2007
TheSource4YM.com Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles...
Movie Reviews
TMNT (8/7/2007)
Rated PG for animated action violence, some scary cartoon images and mild language. Directed by Kevin Munroe (First time Director)Starring the voices...
Movie Clip Discussions
Nacho Libre
(Paramount Pictures, 2006)Main Point of Discussion: We need to love them, so we can tell them that He loves them. Supplies:...
Anywhere Games, Games & Icebreakers
Tag Blue
It really is as simple as it sounds...Have students mingle around the room. Once they're moving, yell out, "Tag __________" and insert an...
Anywhere Games, Games & Icebreakers
The Circle of Life
The Circle of LifeFor this game, all the participants sit in a circle (usually a small group-10 and under). A person starts with...
Anywhere Games, Games & Icebreakers
Mr. Mumbles
This can be done with any amount of people, but the more the better. Have them sit in a circle. Everyone must suck...