Main Point: There are always consequences to our lack of integrity…even when they’re not immediate. And besides, God wants us to do the right thing, even when no one else is looking.Discussion Starter: The Stray PathThis humorous and short little video certainly qualifies as “homemade” but it does teach a strong lesson about integrity. Basically, a young man in...
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You’ve Got 10 Minutes to Live(Airplane Crash Simulation Night) online pharmacy buy orlistat no prescription Main Point: To help students prioritize their lives to please God. Biblical Text: Luke 12:16-21Supplies Needed: 2-3 sheets of paper per studentPens for every studentEnough Bibles for every student1 note card for every studentOptional supplies include small bags of peanuts, soft drinks, flight uniforms,...
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Main Point: Sex is a HUGE topic in youth culture, but it’s often addressed from an ungodly point of view. God should get a chance to weigh in on the subject; after all, it was His invention. Discussion Starter: Men and Women Should…This discussion starter should prove to be a little fun, but more importantly, get students talking about...
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Main Point of Discussion: We all bleed red. Racism is based on fear, misinformation, and stereotypes. And even Christians can become racists. Discussion Starter: Try an “agree-disagree” game. Have all your students huddle in the middle of your meeting room and then designate one side of the room as the “Agree” side and the other side of the room...
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Main Point: All people are worthy of respect because of the infinite value God places on each one of us. Discussion Starter: If you’ve got a small group (10 or less) you’re already set to go. If you’ve got a bigger group, break students down into groups of 8-10 each. Boys and girls can be in the same group....
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Main Point: To understand our own self-worth, first we must understand how God views us—both as his creation and as sinners before him. Discussion Starter: (You’ll need tape, as well as enough paper and magic markers so there’s one sheet and one magic marker for each group member)Tape a piece of paper to everyone’s back. Have each group member...
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Main Point: Help students to get used to opening up in small groups Students Arrive:make them feel welcomelearn names and interestsgive new people a New Person Form Bring it Together: (about 15 minutes after start time)"Hey, glad to see you all here. Welcome to INSERT NAME OF YOUTH GROUP!”Introduce New People:Give students a Blow-pop, Skittles, or Snickers...
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