Main Point: We all need accountability, but the accountability we need is the kind modeled in the Bible. Discussion Starter: Accountability SkitWe’ll start this discussion with a skit you can pull off using the talents you have in-house. Bear in mind, this is NOT the time to pull out your shy or reserved leaders (students or adults). You...
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Main Point: So many of us try to impress other people by boasting. But humans really only have one legitimate reason to boast: God has chosen to love them. online pharmacy buy lexapro without prescription with best prices today in the USA Discussion Starter: Best (or Worst) Pick Up LinesWe all know that guys use pick...
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Main Point: The time we personally spend with God defines us. If we skip spending time with Him, our lives lack true definition. The reasons for studying the Bible and praying are far too great to neglect. Discussion Starter: Top 10 Reasons for Not Having a Quiet Time Read these Top 10 Reasons in David Letterman style, starting...
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PG, 2002 (Shane West, Mandy Moore)Main Point: While God instructs us to look toward the needs of others, we are not meant to be treated with disrespect. Setting relational boundaries is healthy in friendships. Plot Outline: This is the story of two North Carolina teens, Landon Carter (West) and Jaime Sullivan (Moore), who are...
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This is such a simple event with such huge rewards. If you want to get to know your students' parents better, check this event out.Each Easter we advertise a meal for the parents, with their own kids waiting on them. We cook something simple that the girls help prepare beforehand. The boys, in shirt, trousers, and tie, wait...
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(Mirimax Films, 1998)Main Point of Discussion: We must learn to show love to people… even the ones we don't like.The Movie Clip: Compassion for… Freddie?Before Lady in the Water, Signs, or even The Sixth Sense, M. Night Shyamalan's first major film, Wide Awake, was about a kid in search of God. The film, full of numerous discussion provokers, introduces...
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Like a mall man hunt but with a twist!Have ten members from your church that all the teens would recognize dress up as elderly people, punks, bikers, business people- anything really except what they would usually wear and look like! Take a "Where's Waldo" book and copy the front cover to card stock then cut it up puzzle style...
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