You will need a brave student volunteer, a tank shirt or sleeveless shirt for both the truck driver (youth leader) and student, large jar of peanut butter, and a loaf of bread. Call your two volunteers ahead of time and emphasize that they must be freshly showered! online pharmacy no prescription The truck driver (youth leader) and student...
Gross but funny skit! Props: peanut butter, bread, jacket for the nervous guy which hides his pit stains at first. 3 characters: girl, guy, and another guy who has large pit stains on his shirt. Nervous boy comes over (wearing a jacket over his pit-stained shirt) to girl's house to pick her up for a date. Brother of girl...
ÒPaintÓ a picture of spring or something similar. Call kids from the club to come up and stand and be (mime/act out) things like a babbling brook, lovers in a canoe, rocks, trees, etc. Also have a kid come up and run around the group to be a frame. Depict beautiful nature scene. Then narrator gradually has the brook...
Have two students dressed similar, come upfront very formal and stiff. (Dressing up is funny but not necessary.) Have lights turned off as it needs to be fairly dark for this to work. Your students then produce two pen-lights each and stick each pen-light in a nostril. They then hum some simple song and flash the nose lights...
A few family scenes where the husband has no depth perception. The funny part is that the guy doesnÕt realize it: online pharmacy actos buy with best prices today in the USA He pours his coffee and misses the cuphe looks out the window and his head goes through the window. He tries to kiss his wife and headbutts...
Video-tape a glove as it explores a different adventure each week. Have Mr. Glove visit kids houses that go to youth group. You can plant stuff in there desk (Barney video, an old CD, etc.) We had Mr. Glove go into a personÕs bathroom and accidentally drop tooth brush (look alike) into the toilet. At the end of the...
(Disclaimer: As long as you have 6th & 7th graders, Little LiÕl MoÕs not old!)This can be done in a doorway. You need two sheets, a table, shorts, shoes, big shirt and two people - one with long arms. The front person is the face and legs placing hands into shoes. The back person is the arms by reaching...