Similar to musical chairs, students pair up with another student back-to-back while locking arms when the music stops. To make it a little more difficult and to avoid cliques, tell the students they cannot pair up with the same student two consecutive times. They must switch it up.When there is an even number of students, place a chair in...
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I got this game from someone else so don't give me the credit. You partner up your students. They face each other and hold their hands in the "second phase" of a handshake, where they are basically holding each other's thumbs. They each stick out their index finger from the hands they are holding. Their feet have to stay...
Continue reading Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, August 15, 2006 In This Issue Featured Giveaway: It's time once again to reward youth workers for...
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Jonathan,I just wanted to thank you for a great website. All of the information from your website is now contained in a 3 ring binder that I can count on to point me towards a good game for our kids on a weekly basis. Our group of over a hundred is taking two busses up to the mountains this...
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Jonathan,One of my friends told me that you have events like scavenger hunts on your site. I've been on your site - and I haven't seen one! Where are they?BillAnswerBill,Let's see ... where would I go to find an event ... possibly ... THE EVENT & ACTIVITY IDEAS PAGE! Then, get in your car, drive to the nearest Wal...
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Jonathan,I'm one of the youth group leaders at my church. This Friday we'll discussing the topic on "truth". Do you have any advice on what kind of game or discussion starter we can do. LindseyAnswerLindsey,I always like to do a couple things when talking about honesty or truth. One is called "The lying salesmen." The other is a game...
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