This game works great for smaller groups of students. All you need is a couple large bowls, some Alphabet Soup, a few paper plates…and some cleaning supplies. Here’s what you do.Choose two contestants from your group and put each of them in front of the two large bowls filled with Alphabet Soup. When you say go, the contestants bury... Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, April 22, 2008 In This Issue Featured: The Journal Gives Jonathan's Getting Students to Show Up Two...
(Warner Bro. Pictures, 2003)Main Point of Discussion: We must be smart about WHO we date and HOW we date.The Movie Clip: “Born to Stand Out”What A Girl Wants is definitely a chick flick! It’s about an American girl who wants to know who her father is so she can have a relationship with him, so she travels to England...
Main Point of Discussion: We are called to be faithful 100%.The Movie Clip: “I meant what I said, and I said what I meant, and an elephant's faithful one hundred percent.”Horton Hears a Who! is a fantastic adaptation of the Dr. Suess’ classic children’s book. With some of the best voice talent in Hollywood and amazing animation, the makers...
This event really works well with Middle School students. It revolves around the saying that Òculture is simply a set of sub-cultures mixed together.Ó Here is how you pull it off.Advertise the event for a few weeks with your students, promising them a great time. Encourage them to bring their friends as this will be a night that emphasizes... Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, April 15, 2008 In This Issue Featured: You heard the report that "1 in 4 teenage girls...
Rated PG“Bueller?... Bueller?... Bueller?”Who can forget Ben Stein as the Economics teacher in Ferris Beuller’s Day Off? Anyone?...Anyone?Now 22 years later Ben Stein is back and he’s baaaaad to the bone. Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed is a documentary that accomplishes its stated goal- to ‘blow the horn on suppression’.I know what you’re thinking. Monotone Stein + Documentary...