This game is played just like Rock-Paper-Scissors with one exception: participants can call out ANYTHING they want on the final “throw.” For example, students can say “nuclear bomb,” “Luke Skywalker,” “Hurricane,” etc. They aren’t restricted to rock, paper, or scissors.As you can imagine, there will be TONS of debate about who wins. But that’s part of the fun! Have...
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Rated R for crude and sexual content, strong language and nudity.Directed by David Wain (The Ten)Starring Sean William Scott, Paul Rudd and Elizabeth BanksRole Models? Wow... I hope not!!!A pair of irresponsible energy drink salesmen realize that serving a month of hard time is nothing compared to spending 150 hours in a community mentorship program after they trash the...
Continue reading Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, March 17, 2009 In This Issue Featured: They Came Forward... What Now? How...
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Rated PG-13 for sequences of intense action and violence, some sexual content, and drug material.Directed by Oliver Megaton Starring Jason Statham, Robert KnepperTodd’s Word: Same movie, different package.Jonathan’s Word: I wish it was the same as Transporter number one, but instead… it smelled a lot like number two! Todd’s Word: Nice.The story was similar. Strong-armed into transporting the kidnapped...
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Rated PG for thematic content, violence, and language involving racism, and for brief sensuality.Directed by Gary Fleder (Runaway Jury)Starring Dennis Quaid, Rob Brown and Darrin Dewitt Henson“Football is just a game. What matters is what you play for.” – Ernie DavisThis biopic focuses on the relationship of Ernie Davis (Rob Brown), a gifted African-American athlete, and his coach, Ben...
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Stupid Skits

Sock Soup

Actors Needed:1 chef2 tastersProps1 pot filled with water1 spoon1 pair of socksThe scene starts with the "chef" stirring the pot.Chef: (while stirring, looks into the pot and says) "Almost done." (He then smiles to himself and walks off stage.)Taster 1: (walks onto the stage, looks into the pot, and tastes the soup.) "Mmmm. Delicious!" (He walks off...
Continue reading Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, March 10, 2009 In This Issue Featured: Using "The Boy in the Striped...
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