Main Point of Discussion: Life is filled with conflicting and confusing messages. Some are even deadly. We must be extremely careful who we choose to listen to. The Music Video: “According to You” by Orianthi online pharmacy purchase zithromax online no prescription Orianthi Panagaris was born in Adelaide, Australia of half Greek descent. She learned to play the...
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Rated R for language.Directed by Oren PeliStaring Katie Featherston and Micah SloatParanormal Activity is realistic enough to make it the creepiest film I have seen in a long time.After a young, middle class couple moves into a suburban 'starter' tract house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly active...
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Movie Clip Discussions

17 Again

(New Line Cinema, 2009)Main Point of Discussion: Being bold and taking a stand for what we believe in can have a huge impact on those around us. The Movie Clip: “It’s called making love, isn’t it?”The 17-year old version of Mike O’Donnell (Za Efron) made all the right decisions in high school, but somewhere along life’s road – after...
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Main Point of Discussion: Our relationships are incredibly powerful forces that can change our lives in permanent ways, so we must be very careful about guarding our hearts.The Song: “Russian Roulette” by Rihanna"Russian Roulette" is a song performed by Barbadian singer Rihanna. Written and produced by Ne-Yo and Chuck Harmony the song serves as the lead single from Rihanna's...
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Ezine Archives

eZine 10.27.2009 Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, October 27, 2009 In This Issue What's New: Connecting with Students?an Exclusive Excerpt from Jonathan's New...
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The idea of this game is to have multiple teams playing charades at the same time with the same clues, in a race to see who can finish first. That means you will have to have teams with the same number of players on them.Before you begin, come up with a list of action clues that the teams must...
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