by Joel WilliamsonConfession: After 16 years of youth ministry, I still get nauseous when I walk into a school cafeteria, and not because of the mystery meat. (Or at least, not only because of the mystery meat.) Am I cool enough? Will they talk to me? Will they reject me and shut me down?Rejected and ShutdownNot that its enjoyable...
Main Point: When you compromise your integrity, you open yourself up to outcomes God has never intended for you to experience.The Discussion Starter:Would our integrity be any different if we knew were being filmed?In this viral video, a woman gets out of the car to steal packages that had been delivered to someone’s front step. As she makes her...
Four Facts About Sex We Just Can't Keep to OurselvesBy Jonathan McKee Talking with our kids about sex is never easy. Consequently, many parents don’t do it...which reveals itself in damaging and unnecessary mistakes. Most often, parents claim they just don’t know what to say when it comes to sex and teens (or tweens).On numerous occasions, I’ve written about why we need...
Understanding the Mind of the UnchurchedBy Jonathan McKee A few years ago, CBS kicked off a television series called Joan of Arcadia following the lives of Joan Girardi, her police chief father, her somewhat overbearing mother, her geeky younger brother, and former football star older brother who is now paralyzed. In a memorable scene in the beginning of the season, Joan's...
online pharmacy robaxin over the counter with best prices today in the USA How to NEVER reach students!By Jonathan McKee This article is an excerpt from Jonathan's award winning book, Do They Run When They See You Coming? Reaching Out to Unchurched TeenagersDo they smile or groan when they see you coming? Or do you even know?To truly understand unchurched kids, we...
Speaking to Make an Impact, Not Just to Entertain!By Jonathan McKeeIt's Wednesday night, a ton of students showed up. Everything is going well. Staff are mingling with students. New students are meeting others. Everyone seems to be having a good time.The evening goes on better than normal, without a hitch . . . and then it's time to communicate...
To game or not to game... that is the question. Some youth ministries see games as an essential part of youth group, and others think they are meaningless. So which is it? Here's 5 thoughts to consider. buy albuterol online no prescription