Music Discussions

God’s Plan


Main Point: Aubrey “Drake” Graham started his career at fifteen when he landed a role on the Canadian television series Degrassi: The Next Generation. Appearing in 145 episodes, it wasn’t until he was nearly twenty that he released his debut mixtape. It would be four more years until he would release his first single Over, which peaked at fourteen on the Billboard Hot 100. When his debut album Thank Me Later was released, it shot to the top of the Billboard 200 chart. Drake has since released four albums, earning himself three Grammy awards as well as a record 13 wins at the Music Billboard Awards all in the same night. He released God’s Plan in January of 2018, with the video being released in February. The words to the song and the video are significantly different, so for this review we will focus on the video, which has over 14 million views in the first four days of its release.

The Music Video: Drake – God’s Plan

The Music Video: The music video can be viewed for free at

Transitional Statement:
In this video, Drake reportedly gave away $996,631.90 of the million dollar budget that was slated for the video. During the video he hands out cash to people on the street, delivers toys, cars, and more. It raises the question for every viewer of how we are handling the position and resources God has given to each of us.

Let’s talk about this a bit and then look and see what God’s Word says on the subject.

Divide into Small Groups:
Let’s go ahead and split up into our discussion groups, and then afterward we’ll come back together for a final word.

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Discussion Questions:

  1. AROUND THE CIRCLE: How would you respond if you were one of the people in the video? Which person’s response to Drake’s generosity resonated with how you might act?
  1. ASK A FEW: If someone has great wealth or a high position, what do you think they should do with what they have been given?
  1. ASK A FEW: If a person has less than Drake or people in a similar financial position, do you think they should be as generous? Why or why not?
  1. ASK A FEW: Consider the position you have in life. How have you used that to help others? What could you do that you are not doing right now?
  1. ASK A FEW: Do you think the amount you give is the most important element to giving? Explain why you think the way you do.
  1. ASK A FEW: How do you feel about Drake filming his generosity?
  1. ASK A FEW: What about this video do you think made it go viral so quickly?

Read the following passage:

Proverbs 11:25

The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.

  1. ASK A FEW: In what ways do you think the generous will prosper?
  1. ASK A FEW: How do you feel about giving with confidence that you will receive as a result?
  1. Does it feel wrong to give with knowledge that you will get something back?
  1. ASK A FEW: In what ways have you used your position or resources to refresh others?
  1. ASK A FEW: Tell of a time when you found yourself refreshed after you helped someone.
  1. ASK A FEW: What do you think keeps people from being generous with what they have?
  1. AROUND THE CIRCLE: Considering the reality that each of us has more than many others in this world, what can we specifically do to help others with what God has trusted us with?

Wrap Up:
During this time, we watched Drake’s music video “God’s Plan.” Even though the lyrics do not seem to line up, Drake makes a powerful statement about the impact one person can make when they use what they have to help others.

Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.” When we consider this truth, how should that shape how we view our resources?

(Pause and give them a moment to consider this question.)

What if we realized that everything we have, position and resources, truly are from God? How would you use things differently if you asked God what He would desire you to do with them?

(Pause and give them a moment to consider this question.)

Drake is a man of means, and he seemed to relish the opportunity to help others. It’s easy for most people to think if they were millionaires, they would be generous. The reality is that generosity is a condition of the heart. It’s not about how much one gives, but it’s about how they use what they have been given. God has given each of us position and resources. Luke 12:48 records Jesus saying, “when someone has been given much, much will be required in return.” Each of us has been graciously given enough to help others. While we may not be able to give a million dollars away in a day, God has invited us to do our part to show others how great He is by the way we give. Let us be people who show people God’s Kingdom on earth by seizing everything opportunity we have to help others.


Written by Rob Chagdes


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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