Dress two contestants in white t-shirts and white sweats. Give students protective eyewear (It will add a lot if you can get some fencing headgear as well). Duct tape two big black markers to the end of two strong dowel rods (bought at any hardware store). Instruct them that the only place they can mark is above the belt and below the neck. Then let them duel.
The person to make the most marks of at least one half inch long wins. You can order glow in the dark pens, follow the same directions, and then turn out the lights to determine your winner. Background music will be a must, and white gloves and socks can help highlight the uniforms! Fence away!
Added by Young Life
Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.