The following questions are some of those you’ll find in Jonathan’s new book, GET YOUR TEENAGER TALKING, a book...
The group sits in a circle. Each member gives the person on their right a "trigger," such as, "Every...
Blind Draw
Good Small Group game. Everyone in the group is given a sheet of paper and a pen. They are...
A What?
To start this funny game, tell everyone to take out a SMALL item (such as a hat, bracelet, shoelace...try...
This & That
Quick small group opener/activity. Not a game; just a fun way of getting to know each other a little...
Story Time
Travel or Small Group. One person starts a story – any kind of story (i.e. “Once upon a time...
Story, The
Travel or Small group game. Stand or sit in a circle. Go around the room assigning the name...
Hot Seat – Discussion Wrap-Up
This is actually to be done after your small group discussion. Have everyone sit in a big circle with...
Silent Animal
This game gets difficult with more than 20 people; it's better for groups of 15 or less. Everyone gets...
Four on a Couch
Create a circle with chairs and one couch - enough seats for everyone playing plus one extra seat. 2...
Two Truths and a Lie
Everyone think of two things about yourself that no one in the group knows. They don’t have to...
Pipe Cleaner Sculpture
Hand everyone a pipe-cleanerEveryone take this pipe-cleaner and fold it into the shape of something that would represent how...
Highs and Lows
Everyone share their high of the week and their low of the week. What experience is the best...