Browsing Category:YouTube Discussions

Main Point: As Jesus’ followers, we must be willing to help anyone who needs it…regardless of what they look like. The Discussion Starter:In this video produced by online video team DM Pranks, viewers are shown what happens when a crutch-assisted man wearing a suit falls down…and what happens when a crutch-assisted man wearing shabby clothes falls down. The answer:...
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Main Point: God is a God of forgiveness, even in the face of evil. Since we are God’s people, we must be people of forgiveness, as well.The Discussion Starter:In the past 15 months, the religious extremists known as ISIS have been making news headlines on a consistent basis…and none of it for anything good. ISIS, the abbreviation for The...
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Main Point: We must treat others with love and kindness in the real world AND the virtual world. The Discussion Starter:Have you ever wondered what it would have been like if Facebook had been invented in the 1950s? Well, you’re about to find out! With over 1 billion members on the social media site called Facebook, it’s bound...
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Main Point: One of the best ways to avoid self-pity is to serve others. That requires humility…which God is always ready to openly reward. The Discussion Starter:What happens when a new kid is bullied? In many cases, he or she fights back, becomes bitter, lashes out, withers inward, or a combination of these. But not Josh Yandt.Following the death...
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Main Point: When sin smashes us into a million pieces, Jesus is the only One who can restore our lives and put the pieces back together again.The Discussion Starter: Falling PlatesFalling Plates is a the work of two friends, Howard Crutsinger and John Strong, who wanted to “show” the world what the Gospel looks like instead of just “telling”...
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Main Point: online pharmacy buy sildalis no prescription Those who love Jesus do not need to fear death. For Christians, death is just the beginning of the greatest life we’ve ever known…life with God face to face.The Discussion Starter:Beautiful Eulogy is an Oregon-based Christian group that’s comprised of three guys from totally different backgrounds. Together, they produce a...
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Main Point: The Devil will do anything in his power to divide the Church against itself. We must not give him any opportunity to use us against one another. The Discussion Starter:In this funny little clip, Pastor Craig Groeschel of LifeChurch sits down with, umm, Satan. Okay, it’s just a guy dressed up like the devil, but the point...
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