Browsing Category:Training Tools

People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan!As I was previewing Jim Burns new edition of THE YOUTH BUILDER, I underlined this statement, "Vision usually isn't the thing that hinders most youth ministries: it's a lack of administration that sinks many of them ... in reality, a well administered ministry will provide more valuable time to spend with...
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Millions of teenagers are apathetic about their faith, and their indifference greatly reveals itself each year when many teenagers graduate high school... and exit their faith altogether. It's a problem that every youth worker in every denomination acknowledges. In the last decade I've seen a growing trend to try to change this phenomena with new curriculum...
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His motives seemed pure. "I just want to see kids reached with the Gospel." Who can argue with that? Well... he spent his entire youth ministry budget by January 17th. I first met "Chris" about six months prior to that ominous January. He contacted me about speaking at his community outreach event. The event sounded...
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A Closer Look at What Small Groups Can DoLet's cut to the chase. Do you want a ministry tool that can provide the following? A great way for students to get to know each other better A way for staff to build strong relationships with students A stepping stone to accountability and mentor relationships An environment in which individuals...
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Last month a student from the high school just down the street from me excused himself from class about 10:15 a.m., walked into a restroom, and shot himself.It was his 17th birthday.My heart sank as I read the entire story in our local Sacramento paper. That's the third article this week I've seen about teenage anxiety, depression, violence, and...
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Recently I've spoken at several events that were very well planned... until the altar call. Think about this for a second. A kid hears the Gospel and even has the guts to stand up out of their seat with the desire to make some life-changing decisions. They walk forward to the front of the room... and... Freeze. Stop...
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