Browsing Category:Training Tools

This article originally appeared as a guest post from Jonathan McKee on It doesn’t matter the size of the town, I see the same thing in almost every place I visit: the body of Christ divided into different buildings only blocks apart. Typically, the lines of communication between these churches are frayed if they even exist at...
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This article originally appeared as a guest post from Jonathan McKee on StudentMinistry.orgWhen I was a kid, my attention span was as short as they come. Before ADHD was a household term, there was “Jonathan.” My reputation wasn’t good. Half my Sunday school teachers wanted to pump me full of Ritalin, the other half wanted to pump me full...
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This article originally appeared as a guest post from Jonathan McKee on A bus full of middle school students, a 7 hour trip and about 10 adult volunteers. If you’ve been in youth ministry for even a year or two, you may have experienced this situation. Kids pile in as far toward the back of the...
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In the spring of 2012, I was speaking at a camp in rural Wisconsin and I brought up the subject of sex to my middle school audience of about 500 kids. Unsurprisingly, I received a handful of the typical "Why are you talking about sex with this age group?!" comments.My answer? "Well, somebody's got to!"Since that camp, I've been...
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Do you remember years ago when "Jurassic Park" came out on video? I'll never forget it. Because that's when my idea for a movie night FLOPPED BIG TIME!!! Everyone was talking about the release of the huge blockbuster film. So my friend and I got the big screen ready, complete with a killer sound system. The room literally...
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I like to survey students whenever possible, and one of the purposely-vague questions I always like to ask is, "What is your favorite thing to do for fun?" Can you guess the number one answer I hear? You might think it's something like, "play sports" or "listen to music." Yes, those are up there...
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