Purpose: To illustrate the reality of our sinful nature by using an example from mother nature.Supplies: An appleGet in front of your students with your apple and take a big bite out of it. (This is even better if you’re holding a microphone close to the crunch sound of your bite.) While chewing on the pulp, try to say,...
Main Point: Before we start any day, we need to make sure we’re wearing the full armor of God. If we’re not “suiting up” the way God says to, we may find ourselves unprepared in tough situations. Discussion Starter: Extreme Makeover Note: Familiarity with the show of the same name will help with this discussion starter.If possible, combine multimedia...
Main Point: To give students a chance to model some of the Bible’s most faithful men and women, as well as thank the faithful men and women in their lives. Discussion Starter: FAITH MVP ListThe only supplies you need to pull this one off are pens and 3X5 cards for every student.When it comes time to start your...
Main Point: We’ve been adopted by God because of His love for us, and so we must now live our lives in a new way because of the new family we’re a part of. Discussion Starter: I Was AdoptedThere are two options you can choose from to launch this discussion. In fact, you can even use both if time...
3/11/11de·fi·ance[dih-fahy-uh ns] –noun 1. a daring or bold resistance to authority or to any opposing force. 2. open disregard; contempt (often followed by of ): defiance of danger; His refusal amounted to defiance. 3. a challenge to meet in combat or in a contest. (from dictionary.com)Main Point of Discussion: The longer and more intensely we defy God, the harder...
Main Point of Discussion: Anger is a useful emotion when kept in check and used appropriately, but when left uncontrolled, it can quickly destroy relationships and even human lives. That’s why God commands us to control it and even limit it to one day. Discussion Starter:Say, On January 8, 2011, lone gunman Jared Lee Loughner opened fire on U.S....
Main Point: We need to study the Bible so we can know the truth, live by it, and share it with others. Discussion Starter: Christian Doctrine QuizCircle the best answer, or neatly write in your answers. You may not use a Bible or electronic device while taking this simple quiz. 1. As it applies to the Bible, the term...