Browsing Category:Topical Curriculum

Main Point: We can overcome temptation by knowing what mistakes to avoid when facing it. Discussion Starter: Kids and MarshmallowsThis is a funny little experiment performed on kids using a marshmallow and a hidden camera. Basically, the setup is this: kids are escorted into a room by an adult and given one marshmallow. They are told that if they...
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Main Point: Life on Earth is temporary. One day, we’ll all have an epitaph. What will it say?Discussion Starter: Cemetery VisitThis discussion starter is a bit different from most. First, it’ll take some prep time on your part contacting a local funeral home. Second, you’ll have to actually take students to several different locales. And third, it’s all about...
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Main Point: It takes a long time to build someone up using our words. Unfortunately, it takes only a moment to tear them down using our words. Discussion Starter: Tumbling Towers(For this discussion starter, you’ll need a few tables and those wooden blocks that children play with in the church’s nursery. The bigger your group, the more you’ll need....
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Main Point: Our security as believers doesn’t rest in man-made things, but in God alone. He is the only One who can be totally trusted with taking great care of us. Discussion Starter: Which is More Secure?This discussion starter requires some way of “showing” students contrasting images of similar items. It’s best to have a video projector, but if...
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Main Point: When we choose to forgive those who have wronged us, our lives – and theirs – can be changed. Discussion Starter: The Power of ForgivenessIn February of 1993, Mary Johnson’s only child, her 20 year old son, was shot to death by a 16 year old kid named Oshea Israel. Israel spent 17 years in prison...
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